Monday, February 15, 2010


In these tablets Enkidu is determined to go and combat with Gilgamesh, and asks the prostitute, Shamhat, to take him to Uruk. As soon as Shamhat hears the man´s desires, she divides her clothes and dresses Enkidu. Then, the man and the woman begin their way to the city surrounded by walls, Uruk.
On their way to Uruk, they are invited to eat by some shepherds who are amazed of Gilgamesh´s presence. After this, they continue their trip and finally get to the city´s walls. Finally, when Gilgamesh and Enkidu meet we realize the huge similarities and differences between the two of them. Both of the characters have similar physical attributes that make them very powerful.
“Stormy heart struggled with stormy heart
as Gilgamesh met Enkidu in his rage.”
This encounter of both of them can be described and understood as the crash between nature (Enkidu) and civilization (Gilgamesh). The epic is very focused on civilization and how it conquers and transforms everything that is still in peace with nature. Enkidu used to live with animals and used nature as a form of survival.
“He was born on the grasslands and grazed
With gazelles and the other beasts on the grass of the grasslands;
Enkidu the companion will not forsake you.” Pg 15
Now, Enkidu has been incorporated into society, wears clothes, and is more “civilized”, although he still has his wild side.
This stuff is still occurring in present days. Humans are ending with nature and destroying indigenous cultures. For some reason we, humans, believe we are superior, but actually we are not. Enkidu and Gilgamesh, when becoming best friends, show the perfect balance between nature and civilization and how they both complement each other.
At the end of these tablets Enkidu and Gilgamesh receive blessings from the city and depart to the Cedar Forest in search for the monster, Huwawa.

“Who is the mortal able to enter heaven? Only the Gods can live forever. The life of men is short.
What he accomplishes is but the wind.” Pg 16

I really like this quote since I think that is very true that we are all going to die someday and we will eventually be forgotten, what we accomplish will be nothing and all of our possessions won´t matter.

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