Monday, February 22, 2010

My Best Friend's Death

People are only scared of what they don't know, and there was much I didn't know. I understand death more clearly now, I don't have to fear it, and I don't have to fear God or heaven
When I was 14 years old I lost my best friend and my entire world fell apart. I thought about things a 14 year old should not think about, like when I was going to die, how I was going to die, and everything in between. Becoming closed off was the next big thing to happen to me, as I didn't want to get hurt by anyone again. I just figured a simple solution would be to keep everything in. It got to a point in my life where I needed to fill that void, so I filled it with everything that came along my path in life.
Because of this, my relationship with my friends and family suffered...and I suffered, emotionally. I was not very stable in my thoughts and it was just a very unhealthy period for me. Being as young as I was, and this being such a traumatic incident in my life, it left me shocked, to say the very least.

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