Monday, February 22, 2010

Looking for Paradise.....Gilgamesh tablets IX and X

Tablets 9 and ten are really interesting and make the book more philosophical. In these tablets Gilgamesh is really scared of death after the lost of his companion Enkidu. As a result of this, Gilgamesh decides to go in search of Utnapishtim.
“Gilgamesh wandered in the wilderness
grieving over the death of Enkidu
and weeping saying, “Enkidu has died.
Must I die too? Must Gilgamesh be like that?”
Gilgamesh felt the fear of it in his belly.
He said to himself that he would seek the son
Of Ubarturu, Utnapishtim…..” pg 48

Utnapishtim is an immortal, which can be related to Noah, since he and his wife were the only ones to survive the Great Flood. In effect, Gilgamesh goes to look for him to find the secret for eternity and immortality. Gilgamesh has to pass through many obstacles to get to Utnapishtim, until he finally gets there. When the two characters meet, Gilgamesh asks the immortal the secret he seeks, but Utnapishtim instead gives him a lecture about how you cannot run away from death since death is part of every human´s destiny.

“How long does a building stand before it falls?
How long does a contract last? How long will brothers
Share the inheritance before they quarrel?
How long does hatred, for what matter, last?
Time after time the river has risen and flooded.
The insect leaves the cocoon to live but a minute.
How long is the eye able to look at the sun?
From the very beginning nothing at all has lasted.” Pg 64

I really like this last part of these tablets since I believe that Utnapishtim is extremely wise. Someday we will all die, destiny is like that. We cannot do anything about it, life has to end sooner or later. Death can´t be planned it is something that just happens, and it is unstoppable. I think that we should not be scared of dyeing, but we should try to make the most out of our lives by having fun, giving thanks for what we have, taking advantage of all the opportunities life brings, and being with the persons we love. Death is just something that will happen eventually to all of us, and destiny cannot be changed neither modified, but your life can….so do what you want before it’s too late!! :)

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