Sunday, May 9, 2010


“Inherit the Wind”
is a movie which shows the controversy between theology and science. In the film, the characters are debating about creationism and Darwin´s theory of evolution in order to know what is right. While watching the movie there were certain questions I asked myself. Some of these questions were:


How should everyone live?
This question came up to my mind several times since really, should we follow the Bible or should we have the right to choose freely how we desire to live? I believe in many things the Bible says and I try to apply several of its teachings into my daily life, but I also believe in many scientific findings that make everything more coherent. I like how in the Bible nothing has to make sense, while in society we are always looking for explanations to justify everything. I think that everyone should decide how to live according to his believes, and not necessarily following some religious believes or a scientific theory. Cant there just be a balance? In this round I would have to say that the teacher is absolutely right since expressing yourself is not a sin, it’s a right.


•Which of the two ideas have best valid explanations and arguments?
Well, at the beginning I personally thought I was going to be biased to defend the Bible, since I’m a Catholic, but now after seeing the movie I realized a lot of things. Darwin’s theory states that complex creatures, like us, evolved from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time (for example: we evolved from apes), while the Bible says:
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” (Genesis 1:1, 1:2)

According to Genesis, God created the earth and everything that exists in it in six days, but there is not actual prove about this, while Darwin´s theory DOES. In the theory of evolution its is explained clearly how the first living organisms appeared in earth, but in the Bible we don’t even know how God appeared and decided to be the ruler. In the debate there was a very interesting point in which they attacked the defendants of creationism by asking how Jonah got swallowed by a whale. I thought this point was really interesting since they used a lot of rhetoric by pointing out the unrealistic/fictional stuff written in the Bible. In effect, I´d say that the theory of evolution wins the second round.

I actually agree with everyone having freedom of speech and expression since if we all believed in the same things life would be absolutely boring. In this movie I am kind of against of the Catholic Church since how come they accuse this teacher for teaching about Darwin´s ideas. I mean, if you don’t believe in the Bible and God it’s your problem and no one should have the right to judge or criticize you. I think it’s very interesting how from everyone we can learn different ideas and we don’t specifically have to follow an institution, a belief, or even a book. In the film I agree with the teacher´s perspective since teaching about science is not a crime, and I really liked how the teacher refuses to admit he is wrong and says,
“I will continue to oppose this law in every way that I can”

I really enjoyed watching this movie and I recommend it to everyone who is interested in this kind of topics or in learning about rhetoric. Although the movie was good, I thought it was kind of biased since the director tried to defend his point by showing the leaders and defendants of the Church as bad and crazy manipulators who brain-washed the people .

Watch it now in YouTube!

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